New Moon in Libra
•Posted on September 02 2022

Dear Magic Makers, September’s Moons take place in intuitive Pisces and artsy Libra, the two most creative signs of the zodiac. With Mercury retrograde, it’s time to give your right brain a break and dive into the waters of spirit, inspiration, and connection.
Both Moons are expansive and bring opportunities to understand and transcend patterns that have been on repeat in our lives. Let’s dig deeper…
New Moon in Libra:
September 25
Have you been feeling unsure of where a relationship is going? Have you been waiting for the right time to make a commitment or sign a contract? September’s Libra New Moon can help us redefine the terms of our connections, make sure that things are balanced, and set intentions of easy communication and collaboration. Whether you’re thinking of a romantic connection, a friendship, or a work partnership, this New Moon supports a different approach, defined by new expectations and values.
Libra is the sign of relationships, but it also rules diplomacy, justice, fairness, and beauty. Sensitive Libra has a great intuition about what is unfair or unbalanced in a situation, prompting many of us to seek constructive solutions. Whether we’re thinking of expressing unmet needs in a relationship, speaking up about unequal rights, or changing our home décor to better suit our taste, the Libra New Moon is a great time to bring more balance into our lives.
When it comes to relationships, researcher John Gottman found that happy couples have positive interactions (for example, expressing affection or finding opportunities for agreement) five times more often than negative interactions (such as criticism or defensiveness). What does this balance look like in your connections? The Libra New Moon highlights our interactions and prompts us to open up a new chapter in our social lives, taking a step forward to empathize, reflect, mirror, and compromise with others in our personal and professional lives.
Some of us might think of striking a business deal or launching a project in Libra-related fields (such as law, public relations, art, or beauty), while others might want to begin a romantic connection at this time… or make peace with the past before preparing a new start. However, Venus, the ruler of Libra, forms a conjunction with Mercury retrograde during the New Moon, prompting us to reflect, reassess, and reconsider before taking a step forward. Whether we’re connecting with an ex-partner, tying up loose ends, or revisiting an old business offer, what is starting now can carry echoes from the past.
As usual, when Mercury retrograde is involved, it’s ideal to integrate the past before making an entirely new commitment. With Libra involved, this applies especially to love and contracts of any kind. If we do commit to something or someone new, it could be a valuable learning experience, but it might not necessarily stand the test of time.
We’re supported to ask ourselves about our current values and only take the past seriously if it’s still in tune with an actualized version of ourselves. Think about how you’ve handled certain relationships in the past and how you’ve managed to find a balance between giving and receiving. The New Moon supports action guided by conscious awareness of our past choices and responsibility on our current path, especially with Venus and Mercury in detail-oriented Virgo, a sign that values realism and objectivity. Service-oriented Virgo might also highlight themes around self-sacrifice, self-worth, and perfectionism in relationships.
A tight opposition with Jupiter, the planet that rules growth, optimism, but also excess and blind faith, can open our eyes to what has been “too much” in our lives until now. With the opposition between the Libra Sun and Moon (our quest for balanced relationships) and Jupiter in Aries (our independent side), it could be too much giving or taking, too much people-pleasing or hyper-independence, too much indecision or poor risk assessment. What extreme do you tend toward and how can you find the middle point?
Some of us might be called to step back before starting a new relationship or project and prioritize quality over quantity or short-term excitement, while others might be supported to take a risk if they usually postpone action. Used well, this New Moon’s energy can help us break negative patterns of interaction and embrace joy and growth in our social lives.
What opportunities are on the horizon? How can we grow by learning together at this time, even if our worldviews might be different? This New Moon brings the lesson of tolerance, especially since some of us might interact with a Jupiter-like figure (a teacher, a guide, a bohemian, or a foreigner) that has both a triggering and an enlightening influence in our lives.
Key players on the New Moon sky:
- Venus conjunct Mercury in Virgo. Communication plays an important role at this time, even if Mercury retrograde might mix up some of our wires. Avoiding blame and criticism (the shadows of both Virgo and Libra), using “I” statements, and seeking common ground with others can help us start the new lunar cycle on a high note.
- Venus trine Pluto. This is a transformative time when it comes to our relationships and values: we might find it easier to connect intimately with a partner, uncover hidden thoughts and feelings, and allow our connections to transform for the best.
- Venus opposite Neptune. In this process, we might be called to discover that not all is what it seems in our relationships: we might have idealized someone or ignored difficult truths to keep the peace. This is a time to see beyond the veil and make a commitment, to others and ourselves, that we will only step into relationships that honor our values and boundaries.
Those of us with strong Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn energy (especially with planets around the 2nd degree of these signs) can feel the influence of the New Moon the most, but all of us are being called to set intentions of balance and cooperation in the life area ruled by Libra in the birth chart. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon degree is a powerful one: “The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed”. What is shifting for you and how can you co-create this fresh beginning?
New Moon Journal Prompts:
- Am I giving more than I receive in my relationships or am I relying too much on myself? Can I remember a situation from my childhood when I started to learn this pattern?
- How can I grow into the kind of partner I want to become? How does my future self think, feel, and behave in a relationship?
- How do I want to evolve in my relationships in the following six months?
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