Astro Alert: Full Moon In Cancer Incoming
•Posted on December 28 2020
In Cancer, her cozy home sign, Luna is more emotional and more intuitive than ever. Cancer Full Moons bring an opening of floodgates when it comes to our emotions and a heightened ability to connect to our feminine, nurturing side. This is a time when we can notice our efforts of connecting to our feelings and creating safe spaces for others finally paying off or a time when emotions and needs that have been building up for the past months intensify and require more of our conscious attention.
Here are some useful questions to ask ourselves at the end of December, as we’re getting ready for a (hopefully lighter) new year: How have I nurtured my soul in the past months? How have I been taking care of my needs, and offering to others while setting appropriate boundaries?
How have I been investing time in connecting to loved ones and to my roots? The Full Moon can help us find answers, both through external consequences of our actions in these areas and through the inner guidance of our emotions.
This cosmic moment brings an opposition between the goal-oriented, rational Capricorn Sun and the emotion-bound, intuitive Cancer Moon. This tension prompts us to find ways of nurturing ourselves without becoming too self-indulgent or mired in our feelings, and, on the other hand, ways of fulfilling our daily duties and showing up in the public eye without denying our equally important needs for rest, comfort, and connection.
If we usually tend towards one of these extremes, the Cancer Full Moon can bring relationship tensions that prompt us to see situations from both perspectives. The emphasis on relationships is also supported by the conjunction of Venus with the karmic South Node, an aspect that can reveal insights from old relationships, or (temporarily, most likely) bring people from our past back into our present.
The Full Moon’s easy, harmonious aspects with Uranus in Taurus can bring unexpected, yet easy to integrate, changes in the area of home, family, real estate, roots, security, and emotions. Perhaps some of us are changing residence at this time, or welcoming insights about our childhood or our ancestors.
There’s an emphasis on novelty and self-expression during these days, especially with Jupiter and Saturn’s recent ingress into groundbreaking Aquarius. While the Cancer Moon shows our need to belong to a community, Uranus& Aquarius complete the picture by awakening our need to be authentic, refusing to follow old patterns and traditions only for the sake of fitting in. In the pragmatic sign of Taurus, Uranus could also bring financial changes or shifts in our sense of comfort and security.
The symbol of this Full Moon’s degree is “A small, naked girl bends over a pond to catch a fish”: an image of innocence and spontaneity, perhaps a mirror of an inner child who lives beyond family or social conditioning. Especially for those of us with important planets or points in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, the Cancer Full Moon can awaken powerful themes around family, security, emotions, nurturance, and change at the end of this year.