If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path by Charlotte Kasl
•Posted on October 17 2018

Hello everyone!
Are you looking for another magical book recommendation this week? Because we have the perfect one - If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl. Sounds interesting right? Well, if you have been having trouble finding the right one for you, perhaps this is the book that will change it all when it comes to romantic relationships in your life. Practical, witty and filled with truths that will definitely change the way you see dating. Especially if things were a little rough lately, If the Buddha Dated is a must-read for you.
Often in this modernized era of dating, things don't go as you have planned them to. Date after date, things don't seem to work out. And the problem with this is that you are taking it way too personally. Or perhaps the very reason for dating is wrong? Whichever it is, you need to accept that things don't work out and the whole dating process is not an evaluation of your worth as a person.
As you flip, page through page these hard to swallow truths pile up and you realize that things may not be as they seem. This sincere advice, however truthful still remain with a lighthearted, friendly tone that nourishes you and makes you chuckle and think. It is not a how-to date book, but rather a book on how to have the right mindset while dating. Definitely, a great read, even if you don't have dating hardships!
If in a relationship there is no tension [meaning no deepening of knowledge of self and others], it ceases to be a relationship and merely becomes a comfortable sleep state, an opiate - which most people want and prefer.
Charlotte Kasl; If the Buddha Dated
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