Creating the #vibes: Feed Your Soul with Laura Aiisha
•Posted on March 11 2016

Meet Laura Aiisha: all around New York native who motivates people through every talent she possesses. And ooh baby you should hear her sing...she’ll make you want to get out of your way. As a singer and life coach currently residing in Buffalo, Laura has been a single mom since she was 23, traveling internationally since her daughter was born, and is currently working on an exit plan to begin spending more time in California and NYC. “It’s all happening,” she explains, “I feel like I’m in my twenties again.” How often do you hear someone say that?? That right there should make everyone want to figure out what they should do with their lives to feel like they’re in their twenties again. Laura has gathered powerful perspectives from all parts of the world: West Africa, Europe, Hawaii, Bali. The independent consultant turned motivational performer says, “World travel is so important to me. It keeps me sane.” She’s traveled to Jamaica five times, hence why her daughter is named Kaya after the song “Kaya” by Bob Marley….vibes. Laura seems to cover just about every awesome topic we could imagine…. inspiration, motivation, personal empowerment, entrepreneurship, self-responsibility, enlightenment…get the picture? She ROCKS. What feeds Laura’s soul? World travel, singing, creating, connecting, and taking risks.
Are there any consistent activities or rituals you do to maintain a sense of inner peace? “I’m a ritualistic person. I like rituals, and they’re always kind of shifting and evolving. Rituals that bring me peace? Over the last several years, before I go to sleep at night and when I wake up in the morning, I hug myself. I wake up and the first words out of my mouth are ‘thank you.’” It’s a brief ritual where I wake up, hug both sides of myself, and I’m like ‘alright Laura, let’s do this.’” I have a sort of altar next to my bed and I stand in front of it and say out loud my power statement for my day. I make ginger lemon tea to start my day on a really good foot. I listen to podcasts, and watch a lot of Shark Tank. I’m an idea generator so I love Shark Tank. Oh and at the new year, I started writing every evening.”
When you are in an emotional rut, what are your go to ways to bring yourself out of that feeling? “One of the big things is to just acknowledge it. To realize that I feel funky about something, and take a moment to just sit and close my eyes, do some breathing, and allow the energy to move through me. Then other times it’s about shifting my state – put on a really good song and dance it out.”
Before beginning a creative process, what type of preparation do you normally undertake? “It depends. Sometimes it comes on so quickly that I’m like, ‘oh! I need to grab something to write this down right now.’ So sometimes it’s about jumping on it, other times it’s about self-motivation…I’m learning guitar right now, and it’s kicking my ass. So I have to say, ‘Laura, pick it up!!’ I have to pay attention to how I feel and to that creative impulse when it does come.”
Describe a time you underwent a particularly stressful event and what measures you took to move through that process. “Whether it’s little for big, I try to connect with my breath. I take a deep breath and allow the energy to clear through my body, down through my feet and into the earth. That’s how I get myself to feel connected and grounded.”
Do you have any favorite movies that always revive your spirit? “There’s a great movie called "What About Me", a documentary film. The soundtrack is amazing and it’s all about love and women and empowerment and coming full circle.”
Is there a particular genre of music that brings you calm? “Reggae…I’m a music lover. From reggae and African music to jazz, I love it. If we’re talking about music that calms me, I would say Wahe Guru Kaur, jazz, and certain styles of classical for chilling and relaxing."
What is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? “I read an amazing book called Monique and the Mango Rains by Kris Holloway and, oh god, I highly recommend it. Highly. It’s a powerful story of a beautiful Malian midwife and her tremendous service and motherhood. Not a happy ending, but the woman is so powerful and so pure and stands for women worldwide. It’s right here on my bookshelf.”
Are there any particular exercise routines or practices that you use for grounding? If so, describe how you discovered them. “I do Bikram Yoga and West African Dance.”
Do you meditate? If so, how did you learn and what methods do you use often? “I meditate, but I don’t sit and meditate. I meditate in Shavasana…in my bed at night I lay in Shavasana for maybe ten minutes. I try to lay in Shavasana when I wake up as well, while my body and mind are waking up.”
To listen to her music, read her posts, and get to know Laura more visit her site at You can also follower her on Twitter @lauraaiisha, Instagram @lauraaiisha or visit her Facebook page.
Written by Katie Girouard.
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