Book of the Week – Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
•Posted on March 27 2019
Hello, fellow bookworms!
March is almost at its end, however, there is still time to slip one more book on your reading list this week. And we have chosen a tiny but mighty one to say goodbye to March with a boom. We are talking about one of the best written philosophical books in the 1920’s - Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. A story so timeless and genius that everyone should read it at least once in their lives. Especially if you are a fellow bookworm, struggling in the busy way of life.
Why should you read Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse?
Many of us spend lives so busy, we barely have time to breathe. It almost seems like, we are chasing the dreams that we want, but somehow there is always something missing from us. It’s like we are missing a very big part of the bigger picture. It is a struggle, very similar to this that pushes young Siddhartha on his new journey.
Although his name is Siddhartha, he isn’t Buddha in Hesse’s book, yet they do live in the same time period. Anyway, Siddhartha feels like he is at a point in his life where he has achieved all there is to achieve, and the next step into his spiritual growth will be enlightenment. He starts his journey towards enlightenment and even crosses paths with Buddha, yet no matter where he goes or does, it seems like he is only moving further and further away from his goal.
It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration, and respect.
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
Each sentence, each thought gives off a piece of wisdom, a perspective that you might have pondered on many times in your life as well. In this majestic book Hesse shows you that sometimes, all that you were looking for was already with you.
Timeless and filled with wisdom, Hesse has written one of the greatest philosophical books. A must read, especially if you sometimes get the feeling like you are lost in time and space.
Your soul is the whole world.
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha