Astro Alert: New Moon In Pisces Incoming!
•Posted on March 01 2022

March opens up with a dreamy and expansive New Moon in Pisces, the sign of new possibilities and creative growth, during an intense week that brings an intellectual focus, but also heightened emotional sensitivity.
Set your intentions of creativity, awareness, and fulfillment on the 2nd, when visualization and divination can be powerful tools for manifesting our goals. We’re in the middle of the most introspective and magical season of the year, and, in close contact with benefic Jupiter and risk-taker Uranus, this Pisces New Moon can feel particularly inspiring!
New Moon in Pisces
March 2
Known as the dreamer and the mystic of the zodiac, Pisces opens up the doors of our perception toward new possibilities. In conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, this New Moon brings a special kind of magic: it could be a travel opportunity, a new creative project, a chance to deepen our knowledge and understanding in a given field or to share it with others, a new beginning in spirituality or healing. Whatever is starting right now in our lives bears the mark of optimism, generosity, and fulfillment.
This fated meeting between the Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter can make us feel like the rules and the conditions that we’ve grown accustomed to are nothing compared to what could be possible, while the sextiles with innovative Uranus can bring new growth opportunities. Our vision is less likely to be clouded by fear or self-imposed restrictions, so this is the perfect time to visualize a desired outcome, meditate, and plant new seeds of intention and emotion. In particular, Pisces season is great for divination practices and water rituals.
Faith and initiative are keywords on this New Moon: while Jupiter’s intervention can be lucky, opportunities can easily pass us by if we don’t believe we can make things happen. The trick with Jupiter is to spot opportunities when they arise and to find a healthy mix between having faith… and taking action. The Pisces New Moon supports us to make space for new possibilities and to channel this sign’s extra dreamy energy into visualization, creative activities, or spiritual practices. As moonlight grows day by day after March 2, we can start turning our intentions into reality.
Intuition and creativity can be amplified during the New Moon, but so can our emotions: we’re more likely to oscillate between happiness and sadness, excitement and apathy, the desire to conquer the world and the need to hide beneath our blankets until Pisces season ends. Ideally, we’re normalizing our emotions and allowing them to flow, knowing that whatever comes to the surface within us right now might have been active for a longer time. We’re also more likely to be influenced by other people’s energy: make sure to set appropriate boundaries. It’s great if we can take a moment of silence and introspection during the New Moon, noticing our feelings without judgment and allowing new intentions to form organically.
Since we’re talking about Pisces, we can use the energy of this New Moon for intentions linked to emotional healing, clearing out negative beliefs, or building new habits – anything that has to do with the subconscious mind. It’s also a great time to step forward with awareness and kindness for others; we might be more sensitive to people’s suffering and more willing to help by offering a good thought, a shoulder to cry on, or practical help. If you usually offer kindness without setting healthy boundaries, this can also be a good theme to work on during the New Moon.
Those of us with strong Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces energy will feel this New Moon the most, but all of us are supported to believe in the impossible and to infuse the life area ruled by Pisces in the birth chart with an extra dose of faith and generosity.
New Moon Journal prompts:
- How would I feel if my wildest dreams came true? Imagine it in detail and describe the feelings and the sensations that come up.
- How can I share my energy and my kindness with both an open heart and healthy boundaries?
- What new path of knowledge, understanding, intuition, and creativity is opening up in my life?
Learn More About What March Holds For You By Getting Your Monthly Astrology Guide!
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