The Magic Of Sunstone
•Posted on April 16 2020

Create An Abundant Life
Sunstone is a well-known crystal for its ability to help you see the beauty of life, and finally, discover enjoyment in every moment of life.
Many practices use Sunstone in meditation to re energize and regenerate their whole being. It’s also often used in meditations that focus on helping you connect with light energy.
This pale, light orange crystal is a part of the Feldspar family, and it shimmers as the Sun when exposed to light, according to which it even got the name Sunstone.
Sunstone is a special powerful, fiery crystal – much like the Sun. It’s often used to boost the Solar Plexus Chakra, but it can also be used to balance all chakras of matter. In almost every ancient civilization, Sunstone represented the sun god. In ancient Egypt, it was also the stone used to represent the god Ra.
More about Sunstone
Keywords for Sunstone:
Some keywords for Sunstone include self-confidence, nourishment, self-worth, perseverance, creativity, courage and leadership. If you are seeking to enhance your self-confidence then Sunstone is a great crystal to meditate with. However, besides boosting your self-confidence, Sunstone also nourishes your soul, helping you find your inner power. It’s an amazing crystal if you want to empower yourself, and an even better one, when you feel like fear, has overtaken you, and you are in need of courage to push forward in life.
As a crystal for creativity and empowerment, Sunstone is also a great crystal to work with if you want to improve and advance at your job, and also if you feel like your leadership skills need enhancement. More importantly, if you have a lot of ideas and goals in your life that you keep starting over and over but you lack the perseverance to finish them, then Sunstone is a great crystal to harness perseverance and steel your will for pushing forward, to the end.
Origin of Sunstone:
Sunstone can be found in different places in the world. Most commonly Sunstone can be found in Norway and Sweden but you can also find Sunstone in some parts of the United States and Australia.
Are There Different Types of Sunstone?
There are a few varieties of Sunstone, however generally and energetically speaking there is only one type of Sunstone.
How To Tell If Your Sunstone Is Real?
A couple of quick tips to check if your Sunstone is real are:
Sunstone is pale orange.
The color will not be consistent all around, it should vary.
Sunstone shimmers when exposed to light.
Look for imperfections, natural stones have imperfections even if they are cut.
Sunstone Mohs Hardness:
The Mohs Hardness for Sunstone is 6.0, 6.5 making it a durable stone. However remember that Sunstone contains aluminum, which is toxic when creating gem water with the direct method. Even though the water won’t damage sunstone, you should always use the indirect method for creating gem water with sunstone.
How To Cleanse Your Sunstone:
Sunstone can be cleansed in a variety of ways.
Smudging with sage, lavender or Palo Santo is a great way to cleanse your Sunstone.
Using a tuning fork will also do the trick. A tap or two will knock off any yucky energy.
Also, since Sunstone has Mohs Hardness of 6.0, you can cleanse this stone with saltwater as well. Soak your crystal in a bowl of water with sea salt for at least 20 to 30 minutes.
Finally, leaving your Sunstone under a Full Moon on your windowsill will cleanse it fully and thoroughly.
No matter what way you chose to cleanse your Sunstone, just be sure to set an intention that your crystal is cleansed with all that does not belong to you.
Chakras Sunstone Connects Best With:
Sunstone is a rare crystal that can be used to balance all chakras of the matter: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.
As a root chakra stone, it can help to balance, unblock and activate the root chakra. The root chakra is the chakra of stability, grounding, and inner strength. When the root chakra is out of balance the whole chakra system is unstable. When the root chakra is balanced, your whole system will have a strong foundation for working properly and building yourself up. Overcoming fears and finding the courage to persevere can be achieved by balancing the root chakra with sunstone.
As a sacral chakra stone, it can help to balance, unblock and activate the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra connects us with our creativity, imagination, sexual energy and desires and our overall happiness and fulfillment in life. When the sacral chakra is balanced, you feel content and fulfilled with yourself as a person, you feel free to create as you exist and you are in tune with your sensual and sexual energy, unafraid to express and experience a pleasure.
As a solar plexus chakra stone, Sunstone can help you nourish and take better care of your inner self, thus boosting your self-confidence and achieving empowerment. If you have been feeling low on energy, then balancing the Solar-Plexus chakra Sunstone can help you to reenergize and revitalize yourself.
Birthstone Month for Sunstone:
Sunstone is not a traditional birthstone.
Zodiac Sign for Sunstone:
Sunstone is not a traditional birthstone for any of the zodiac signs, however, Virgo & Aries harness special connection with it.
Planet Connected with Sunstone:
If you are wishing to connect with the Sun, Sunstone is highly connected to this planet.
Element Sunstone Connect With:
Sunstone is connected to the element of Fire. Fire energy is the energy of brightness, illumination, passion, and action. It’s the fiery power that helps us manifest our own damn magic!
Affirmations Associated With Sunstone:
Some key affirmations to use with Sunstone are:
I am awakening an abundance of joyful energy within me.
I choose happiness today.
I am inviting infinite abundance.
I am connecting to my true calling.
I am awakening my inner strength.
In every step of my journey, there is joy.
I am filled with abundant energy.
I am the creator of my strength.
The Best Ways to Use Sunstone
There are soo many ways to use Sunstone in your crystal healing work. The best ways are in root and sacral chakra meditation and in a crystal grid.
For Root Chakra Meditation:
Lay down in a comfortable position
Take 5 calming breaths, relaxing deeper with each breath
Place your Sunstone 3 inches below your belly button.
Sit with the Sunstone in place for as long as you feel comfortable, pushing away any thoughts and focusing on your breathing.
When you are ready, share your gratitude with the universe.
Repeat whenever you need inner strength
For Sacral Chakra Meditation:
Lay down in a comfortable position
Take 5 calming breaths, relaxing deeper with each breath
Place your Sunstone right on your belly button.
Sit with the Sunstone in place for as long as you feel comfortable, pushing away any thoughts and focusing on your breathing.
When you are ready, share your gratitude with the universe.
Repeat whenever you need creativity & joy.
For Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation:
Lay down in a comfortable position
Take 5 calming breaths, relaxing deeper with each breath
Place your Sunstone right above your belly button.
Sit with the Sunstone in place for as long as you feel comfortable, pushing away any thoughts and focusing on your breathing.
When you are ready, share your gratitude with the universe.
Repeat whenever you need empowerment & energizing.
You can use Sunstone for a Crystal Grid to focus on developing your inner strength. Check out this post on how to create a crystal grid here.
Sunstone Crystal Shapes
Sunstone Pendants, Necklaces & Bracelets
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