Book Of The Week - Return to Love by Yogi Kanna

Written by Dragana Ivanovska


Posted on February 27 2019

Hello everyone!

This February has been one of the most amazing months of the New Year. Especially for us bookworms. The cold weather is perfect to curl up in the warmest blanket in the house and drift off into another world. And if you are anything like us, you are probably using this month to get the best books about self-love, because when it comes to loving a little deeper, it all starts from self-love. This week we want to share with you an amazing book about self-love, or rather a guide to it – Return To Love by Yogi Kanna.

Everyone wants to find love. But, with today’s busy schedules we rarely get to find it. However, not everything is to blame on our busy schedules, because most of the time the busy schedules are just an excuse. An escape from ourselves. Trapped in a circle of unhealthy patterns that diminish our worth and question our very existence.

And the thing is, if we weren’t so detached from ourselves we wouldn’t be trapped in such a pattern. If we knew ourselves, we would love and accept ourselves. In his book, Yogi Kanna provides you with a detailed, yet down to earth and understandable guide on how to find the self-love that you deserve.

Through various questions, exercises and wisdom, he challenges you day by day to make small but significant changes to help you find self-love and self-worth. We definitely recommend to pick up this book if one of your goals this year is finding self-love and accepting yourself!

Thoughts appear and disappear, just like waves on the ocean. Be like the ocean of love, releasing every thought to the shore as soon as they appear.

Yogi Kanna, Return to Love: A Guide to Inner Peace, Emotional Healing and Spiritual Transformation

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