Book of the Week - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Written by Dragana Ivanovska


Posted on July 09 2018

Are you looking for manifesting your dreams? Are you looking to attract fulfillment in your life? Because you can, with the help of the Law of Attraction. Manifesting your dreams has never been easier, than with the help of the Law of Attraction. But how does it work?

Well, we have just the perfect book guide you through the entire process – The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This awesome book was written in the 2006th, and since then it has helped to transform so many lives. The Secret at first leaves the impression like it hides a secret treasure, something that only a chosen few can unlock and find.

But after reading it, you understand that everyone possesses the power to take the lead in their lives and to guide it in a certain desired direction. The Law of Attraction is something that has been around from the beginning of our civilization and until The Secret, it wasn’t very well known. While some people might see this as wishful thinking, the Law of Attraction really works, but only if you work as well. 

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source—you.

Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Let’s be honest, nothing will come on a silver platter in our lives. These book has been a joy to read, and it has really changed my perspectives on life completely. And not only that, but it also taught me how to use The Secret in every aspect of my life, whether it is love, wealth or health it truly works in curious ways. 

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”  ― Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

And if you are looking for a leading a life filled with fulfillment, to write a completely new magical chapter of your life filled with love and joy, I highly recommend this book to you guys!



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